Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dorothy Grostern - Art as a Second Language

Yesterday painter Dorothy Grostern talked about her artwork, the thoughts and processes that lie behind the finished images and the themes that have attracted her over the years. She showed many slides and explained her particular penchance for creating images without a fixed meaning, images that allow the viewer's interpretation to interact with the emotions and gestures of the figures.
One interesting aspect of Dorothy Grostern's lecture were notebook pages with preparatory drawings for some of the paintings.
Windows are a major theme for Dorothy Grostern - Through a Green Window
A second major theme, staircases. Staircase
Figure and stairs

Her fondness and familiarity with cats translated into a series about cats. Below Living Together. Later she moved on to larger cats with a series on tigers.

Memory as a subject became expressed in the clothing that her grandmother fabricated. The Dressmaker

Wild Roses

After the lecture

I know this photo is blurry, but I find it beautiful and full of atmosphere. Facing the camera on the right, Dorothy Grostern, and on the left, Shirley Katz.

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